Welcome to Slim_TPCA’s documentation!

Slim-TPCA package is a python package which requires python version higher than 3.7 to work. Slim-TPCA has been optimised based on the TPCA method published in 2018. By using fewer temperature points, Slim-TPCA can reduce the volume of samples required, eliminate the batch effect in multiplex mass spectrometry experiments, and greatly shorten the calculation time required. In the Slim-TPCA package, users can perform data pre-processing, graph ROC plots to determine the ability of the data to predict protein interactions, calculate the TPCA signatures of the complexes and dynamic modulations of the complexes. The source code can be found at https://github.com/wangjun258/Slim_TPCA. More Slim_TPCA examples with full test data can be found at https://github.com/wangjun258/Slim_TPCA_examples .

Documentation contents

Indices and tables